Grade 7 Math – CPM

This course is part of a 3 year series aimed at preparing students for success in 9th grade algebra. The primary text for this progression is Core Connections by College Preparatory Mathematics. Grade 7 math uses the second course in the series.

From the authors:

Core Connections, Course 2 is the second of a three-year sequence of courses designed to prepare students for a rigorous college preparatory algebra course.

On a daily basis, students in Core Connections, Course 2 use problem-solving strategies, questioning, investigating, analyzing critically, gathering and constructing evidence, and communicating rigorous arguments justifying their thinking. Students learn in collaboration with others while sharing information, expertise, and ideas. The course helps students to develop multiple strategies to solve problems and to recognize the connections between concepts. The lessons in the course meet all of the content standards and embed the “Mathematical Practices” of the Common Core State Standards released in June 2010. (CPM)


  • Opening Activities
  • Initial Diagnostic

Concept 1 – Introduction to Probability

  • Week 1:
    • Find the likelihood that a specific event will occur.
    • Find both experimental and theoretical probabilities of events.
  • Week 2:
    • Calculate the probabilities of two separate events to decide which is more likely to happen.

Concept 2 – Integers

  • Week 3:
    • Add positive and negative integers and rational numbers.
  • Week 4:
    • Multiply positive and negative integers and rational numbers.
  • Week 5:
    • Mixed Integers
  • Week 6:
    • Integers continued.

Concept 3 – Scale Factor

  • Week 7:
    • Working with copy and original.

Concept 4 – Proportional Relationships

  • Week 8:
    • Proportionality – What is proportional and what is not.
  • Week 9:
    • Unit rate.
  • Week 10:
    • Proportional relationships.

Concept 5 – Finding Percentages

  • Week 14-15:
    • Finding values based upon percentages.

Semester 2

Concept 6 –  Compound Probability

  • Week 18:
    • Probability Games
  • Week 19:
    • Compound and Independent Events
  • Week 20: Probability Trees

Concept 7 – Combining Like Terms

  • Week 21: Combining Like Terms

Concept 8 – Expressions and Equations

  • Expressions to equations
  • Solving equations

Concept 9 – Proportions and Percents

  • Thinking of percent as a scale factor

Concept 10 – Statistics

  • Measurement
  • Distributions

Concept 11 – Angles

  • Angle Measures

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Section 1 – Introduction to Probability

  • Find the likelihood that a specific event will occur.
  • Calculate the probabilities of two separate events to decide which is more likely to happen.
  • Find both experimental and theoretical probabilities of events.
  • Add and subtract fractions, as well as write equivalent fractions.

Section 2 – Fractions and Integer Addition

  • Rewrite numbers in different forms in order to compare them.
  • Determine whether a fraction can be rewritten as a repeating or terminating decimal.
  • Build (compose) and take apart (decompose) numbers and lengths.
  • Add and multiply positive and negative integers and rational numbers.
  • Choose appropriate scales and set up useful graphs for data.

Section 3 – Arithmetic Properties

  • Simplify expressions with multiple operations by identifying and evaluating groups.
  • Subtract and multiply positive and negative numbers.
  • Build (compose) and take apart (decompose) numbers and lengths.
  • Divide with fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals.

Section 4 – Proportions and Expressions

  • Find solutions to problems involving proportional relationships.
  • Identify proportional relationships in tables, graphs, and equations.
  • Calculate unit rates.
  • Combine like terms and simplify algebraic expressions.
  • Rewrite expressions by combining like terms and using the Distributive Property.
  • Simplify and compare two algebraic expressions.

Mid Term

Section 5 – Probability and Solving Word Problems

  • Find and use percentages to solve problems.
  • Calculate the probability of compound (multiple) events.
  • Use experimental results to make and test conjectures about unknown sample spaces.
  • Describe how the relationship between experimental and theoretical probabilities for an experiment changes as the experiment is conducted many times.
  • Solve situational problems using the 5‑D Process.

Section 6 – Solving Inequalities and Equations

  • Simplify and compare two algebraic expressions.
  • Write and solve algebraic inequalities.
  • Solve for a variable when two expressions are equal.
  • Write and solve an equation to solve a word problem.
  • Recognize when an equation has no solution or infinite solutions.

Section 7 – Proportions and Percents

  • Solve problems involving distance, rate, and time.
  • Solve equations that have fractional or decimal coefficients.
  • Find the whole amount if you only know a percentage of it, and vice versa.
  • Calculate simple interest.
  • Set up and solve proportional equations.

Section 8 – Statistics and Angle Relationships

  • Describe, analyze and compare sets of data using measures of central tendency, such as mean and median, and using the variation, including range and inter quartile range (IQR).
  • Attempt to find random and representative samples to complete a survey.
  • Identify angles by their characteristics and use correct vocabulary to describe and name them.
  • Construct triangles and quadrilaterals with given side lengths and/or angles and predict if they will be unique shapes.

Section 9 – Circles and Volume

  • Calculate the circumferences and areas of circles.
  • Find the areas of shapes made up of special quadrilaterals, circles, and triangles.
  • Calculate the volumes of some three-dimensional shapes.
  • Find the surface areas and volumes of rectangular prisms.
