

What is MESA?

The Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) at Comstock is an exciting and challenging way to collaborate between science and mathematics. Our goal is to both encourage curiosity as well as prepare students for a future in the field of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM).

This course will act as an introduction to and discovery of non-traditional middle school curriculum in the STEM areas. Emphasis will be on student-based discovery and collaboration in a project centered learning environment. 

How MESA Works

Through a close partnership with industry and the state’s education systems, MESA

  • Challenges students with rigorous academics.
  • Actively involves industry in its activities and strategic planning.
  • Ensures that college prerequisites, transfer requirements and graduation requirements are successfully fulfilled.
  • Builds supportive communities to encourage academic success.
  • Teaches collaborative learning techniques that help reinforce key concepts.
  • Provides professional development for math and science teachers.

Course Content

 Egg Drop Challenge