
The focus of this unit is to provide students with their first experience with Computer Aided Design (CAD). It is important that students go slowly and do not get overwhelmed and TinkerCAD is a great place to start. This unit begins with a teacher led introduction of TinkerCAD and its features. This is followed by guided instruction on how to build basic items. After teacher led instruction, students can complete premade TinkerCAD tutorials to bolster their skills. The end of the unit allows for free build time, which is essential as it allows students to explore their own creative interests.

Estimated time: 10 days

What is TinkerCAD

  • When to use TinkerCAD

How to use TinkerCAD

  • Basic tools
  • Advanced techniques
  • Exporting to print

Premade TinkerCAD tutorials

Design Challenge

  • 2018 – V Buck design challenge (3 days)
    • Discuss images of V Buck
      • What design elements do you see?
    • Sketch several views of a V Buck
    • How can we make this object in TinkerCAD?
      • Just in time instruction on features

Measurement Challenge

  • Design teams are given an object or component to measure and draw
    • Students are given basic measurement tools to measure their object/component
  • When complete, objects should be as close to original as possible
  • Ideally, all pieces should fit together to make a single large construct

School Logo Challenge

  • Students begin workin individuals to develop something that embodies or incorporates the school logo of some sort
    • Examples are key chains, boxes, plaques, stamps, etc.
  • In partners/teams, students share their ideas, then work to collaborate, combine, and improve their designs
    • Teams come up with a group design based upon the elements of their individual designs
  • Final submissions are made and shared out to the class. Top candidates are then refined by class and printed for evaluation

Room Sign Challenge

  • Students must create an add-on that fits around the current square room signs on campus
    • Students form teams based upon the teacher they would like to create a sign for
    • All add-ons must work with existing signs
    • Add-ons must promote something positive about that teacher, his/her class, or subject(s) taught

Free design time