Week 29 – Circles
- Measure your circle the best you can
- Draw it and label measurements on your whiteboard
- Then, trade circles with another group and repeat for a total of 3 circles
Circumference and Area of Circles
Area of circles (PPT)
- Glencoe 7-1
- Finding circumference
- Area of circles
- Re-arranging of area formula
- Assignment: P. 355-357 (9-37 odd)
- PH Workbook 10-3
- Open Chromebook and browse as a guest
- Launch Chrome Browser and go to www.khanacademy.org
- Move the mouse to the top of the page to activate the search bar and search for:
- Radius, diameter, and circumference
- Select the video tab then select the first video
- You will see a list of items on the left of the page
- Your task for the day is to complete as many as you can!