Surface Area of Prisms

Vocabulary: The surface area of a three-dimensional figure is the sum of the areas of its surfaces.

[expand title=”Rectangular Prisms”]

Surface Area of Rectangular Prism

  • How many faces are there?
  • What shapes are the faces?
  • Are any of the faces the same?

How do we find the surface area?

  • Area = the sum of the sides


[expand title=”Triangular Prisms”]

Surface Area of Triangular Prism

  • How many faces are there?
  • What shapes are the faces?
  • How many of each shape are there?

How do we find the surface area?

  • Find the area of the faces and add them together!
  • Triangles: (2)\frac{3\bullet4}{{2}}=12
  • Rectangles: (5\bullet11)+(4\bullet11)+(3\bullet11)= 132
  • Total Surface Area (SA) = 144
  • Area = 2 x triangular faces + area of each rectangular face


[expand title=”Cylinders”]

Surface Area of Cylinder

  • How many faces are there?
  • What shapes are the faces?
  • Are any of the faces the same?

How do we find the surface area?

  • Area = Area of the side + Area of the base + Area of the top
  • A =  2\Pi rh+2\Pi r^{{2}}


Assignment: Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders