Collecting Bivariate data

Relationships between two numerical variables

[expand title=”Introduction to information and relations”]





A.2.12.Exercise 1-3



Modeling relationships between two numerical variables with functions

[expand title=”Make connections with expressions and the functions they model.”]

A.2.12.Exercise 4-7

A.2.12.Exercise 4-7b


[expand title=”Non-linear relationships”]

A.2.12.Exercises 8-13a

A.2.12.Exercises 8-13bA.2.12.Exercises 8-13cA.2.12.Exercises 8-13dA.2.12.Exercises 8-13eA.2.12.Exercises 8-13f

Exit Ticket




[expand title=”Fit a line to a scatter plot and make a prediction”]







[expand title=”Understanding functions in context.”]


What is a function?

Identifying functions

PH Functions1

PH Functions2 PH Functions3 PH Functions4 PH Functions5


PH 4-2: Domain/Range, Mapping Diagram, and Vertical Line test, Ident. Funcs., Ex 1-3

Assignment: PH 184-185 (1-31 Odd)

Is this a function?



What can you infer about this data?




Formally define functions

[expand title=”Relations and Functions”]


Which of the following are examples of a function? Justify your answers.
a. The assignment of the members of a football team to jersey numbers.
b. The assignment of U.S. citizens to Social Security Numbers.
c. The assignment of students to locker numbers.
d. The assignment of the residents of a house to the street addresses.
e. The assignment of zip codes to residences.
f. The assignment of residences to zip codes.
g. The assignment of teachers to the students enrolled in each of their classes.
h. The assignment of all real numbers to the next integer equal to or greater than the number.
i. The assignment of each rational number to the product of its numerator and denominator.


PH 4-2: Domain/Range, Mapping Diagram, and Vertical Line test, Ident. Funcs., Ex 1-3

Assignment: PH 184-185 (1-31 Odd)


[expand title=”Understand the concept of a function and use function notation.”]

PH 4-3: Function Rules to Tables and Graphs, Ex1-5

Assessment: PH 190-191 (1-55 odd)


[expand title=”Writing functions given a table of information”]

PH 4-4: Writing function Rules, Ex1-3

Assignment: PH 196-197 (1-17 odd, 27-29)

Function in-out multi div


Assessments, Tasks, and Challenges

[expand title=”Assessment”]

Leading in to Quadratic Functions:
